Journal Entries

Pathwork Ottawa blog posts, reflections, and background material. 

Is it better to feel difficult feelings or to try not to dwell on them?

Is it better to feel difficult feelings or to try not to dwell on them?

As you listen into the voices inside, a key place to listen is under the ones that want to blame others for what is not going well. You will hear a voice of judgment towards yourself and at its side, fear that you are not good enough, not lovable enough. These are the very places we want to run away from. We do so, by trying harder to be good enough in all the ways we fear we aren’t. This is the very place where we are asked to soften into self-acceptance.

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A Call To An Enlarged Life

A Call To An Enlarged Life

An Interview with Brian O’Donnell By Charles Cresson Wood CCW: How did you come to the Pathwork? What drew you in? And how has your relationship with the Pathwork evolved over time? BO’D: I came to the Pathwork in the late 70's through the great blessing of my...

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Spiritual Significance of Pleasure

Spiritual Significance of Pleasure

People often wonder – How can pleasure be spiritual? The common assumption we make is that pleasure is such a human thing, I like to promote the holistic nature of pleasure. One doorway into pleasure and spirituality is what I call: Care of the Spirit. While in Mexico...

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Is Pathwork For Me?

Is Pathwork For Me?

The Pathwork is a contemporary spiritual discipline based in the mystical tradition. In this regard it is an inward journey and in its essence, focused on the transformation of the soul. Pathwork may be for you if you are looking for a solid and structured,...

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Ways To Learn More / Get Involved

Ways To Learn More / Get Involved

Go to the website of the International Pathwork Foundation, Check out the list of suggested lectures on specific topics to find one of interest. Download one and enjoy. Consider the 4 pillars of the Pathwork: (1) Individual Study using Pathwork Toolbox...

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Cornerstones of the Pathwork Program

Cornerstones of the Pathwork Program

Pathwork is a program in which through which you can develop your spiritual self and your spiritual potential.  It is based on the teachings from the Pathwork Lectures, 258 in all, created by Eva Pierakkos. The lectures, provide support, encouragement and tools for...

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