1. Go to the website of the International Pathwork Foundation, pathwork.org.
  2. Check out the list of suggested lectures on specific topics to find one of interest. Download one and enjoy.
  3. Consider the 4 pillars of the Pathwork: (1) Individual Study using Pathwork Toolbox (2) Community Engagement (3) In person work through personal sessions with a Helper  (4) Group work in a Spiritual Community
  4. Attend an Open Lecture or a Sanctuary Service
  5. Read Pathwork books such as The Undefended Self by Susan Thesenga or The Pathwork of Self-Transformation by Eva Pierrakos.
  6. Inquire about doing personal work in person with a Pathwork Helper
  7. Follow PathworkOttawa on Facebook and/or Instagram
  8. Explore a Pathwork Online course with Gustavo