Note: The International Pathwork Foundation is the organization that protects the copywrite of the Pathwork lectures and maintains the website that links the international Pathwork community.

The IPF is in the process of addressing the negative language that appears in some of the lectures related to homosexuality, for example, the use of words such as ‘sickness’ and ‘deviance’.  The IPF president, Paul Paquette, hosted a meeting on November 29, 2020 to collect the ideas and perspectives of Pathwork helpers from various countries worldwide.  Over 20 attended. Three of those in attendance are trustees of the Foundation’s board.

It was pointed out that during the time the lectures were delivered (1950s to 1970s), homosexuality was illegal in most of the world.  Eva and the Guide did their best to put difficult spiritual concepts into language but the teachings came through a human filter.  It is possible that Eva’s deeply held beliefs blocked the true meaning the Guide was trying to convey.  Also the lectures advise that the content is not to be automatically accepted but to be considered and discerned as to its truth.

There was agreement that to do nothing is to collude with the hurtful teachings and that we have a responsibility as an organization to address this issue.  There is a deep desire not to inflict further harm.

There were several proposals suggested such as providing a preface to the lectures giving guidance as to how to hold the language in the lectures and/or to footnote objectionable terms.

The discussions are in the early stages – further updates to follow.

Note:  The following is a letter that resulted from an attempt to address this issue 4 years ago. It sheds further light on the topic and also reflects the tone of the recent meeting.

Statement on Guide’s Teachings: Homosexuality, Fall, 2016

The Guide’s overall teachings are about love, truth, healing, and spiritual wholeness in which no emotional/spiritual dynamic — no person — should ever be judged.  However, from our perspective, certain lectures make statements about homosexuality that don’t reflect this.  These statements have been a source of questioning and some confusion amongst Pathwork students and helpers; and they have been a painful and alienating issue for gay and lesbian readers and their heterosexual allies.

A group of senior Helpers have come together in response to this issue, as we no longer want this to go unchallenged.  After deep consideration and overall respect for the incomparable wisdom of the Guide, we have evaluated that some of the perspectives the Guide gives on homosexuality (e.g., it is a sickness, it is based on a misconception) is not an accurate portrayal of our gay brothers and sisters. In fact, this view contributes to deeply ingrained cultural/social biases and misconceptions.

As in many spiritual teachings, issues that might reflect a society’s social context and consciousness have to be refreshed as our collective consciousness evolves.  Some teachings in all spiritual traditions carry eternal principles that stand the test of time, while some of their teachings may reflect cultural/social mores of a previous time and have to be understood in that context.  So too, our Pathwork lectures need to be understood from a larger, spiritual context.  And where any Guide statement could potentially cause harm to a group, then it is our responsibility to question it and bring a discerning eye toward what’s true.  The collective wisdom of our ever-evolving consciousness needs to work with the eternal truths the Guide brings.

We’re dedicated to be part of a spiritual community that does this kind of loving discernment, rather than take every word literally. We also realize that this controversy is an opportunity for all students of the Pathwork to bring this to their own inner authority to discern what their truth is, in this particular teaching and all of the Guide’s words. This is what the Guide tells us in many ways:

“… give your very best in truth whether or not you get admiration, whether or not it is being recognized, but for the sheer sincerity, truthfulness, beauty, and love of God, love of yourself, love of life; then little by little…a deep inner, secure, and intuitive knowledge arises about issues and matters where you were uncertain before.”  (#232)

Brian O’Donnell
Lorraine Marino
Bert and Moira Shaw
Judith Garten
Carolyn Tilove
Marjorie Bair
Iris Markham
Michael Roblee

Prepared by Jean Millar, Ottawa Pathwork Liaison to the Board of Trustees
November 29, 2020