Daily Review

Daily Review

DAILY REVIEW: A Pathwork Tool Daily review is a spiritual practice and a way of communicating with your unconscious mind, and your divine self.  It opens the lines of communication and strengthens your connection with your divine self; nurtures relationship with your...
A Mindfulness Practice

A Mindfulness Practice

Come into a comfortable and supported seated posture. Begin to bring your awareness inside and slow down the rhythm of your breathing. Acknowledge any event that happened today or this week that was difficult. Select a moderately difficult experience. It is important...
3 Spheres Diagram

3 Spheres Diagram

Pathwork sees 3 spheres of consciousness. 1st sphere: Child Consciousness, or Little Ego.  We see things as black and white. All of one or all of the other. 100%-100%. 2nd sphere: Adult Consciousness or Healthy Ego. We see things are grey – or more aptly, a mix...