Steps in Meditation from Lecture #190 – Feeling All Your Feelings
Pay attention to, and engage with the active and receptive principles, as you make your way through this meditation.
As well, notice what is happening in your body, throughout meditation.
- Make a sincere commitment to feel your feelings – this voluntary commitment to go into, not around your feelings, is the driving force in this meditation.
- Pray – ask for help to feel your feelings. Engage spiritual support to go into your feelings.
- Strengthen your faith that going into your feelings will not annihilate you The belief that feeling your feelings will annihilate you, is a misconception.
- Confront the illusion (Misconception #2) that you can still have a happy, fulfilled, vibrant life and avoid your deeper feelings. Acknowledge the false hope and the false doubt in this.
- Explore your specific and special methods of avoidance – busyness, over activity, self-medication with food, mind-less entertainment, sex, fantasy, consumerism, and other addictive substances. Write them down; acknowledge their role in keeping you from your feelings.
- Acknowledge fear of feeling your feelings or perhaps it’s the “fear of the fear of feelings” the Guide speaks about in Lecture #190. What do you tell yourself about this fear? What could be supportive self-talk?
- Sit and open to feelings: Fear ~ Pain ~ Rage ~ Helplessness ~
As well we open to feeling our “other” feelings – joy, pleasure, contentment, safety, etc. Use body awareness to help you with this.
Madeline Dietrich, Pathwork Helper, Ottawa. Canada – May, 2019.