“Every human being senses an inner longing that goes deeper than the longings for emotional and creative fulfillment. This longing comes from sensing that another, more fulfilling state of consciousness and a large capacity to experience life must exist.”  Pathwork Lecture #204

What is Pathwork?

Pathwork is a path of spiritual and emotional development. It is not a spiritual path in the traditional sense — Pathwork offers a voyage that takes you into the territory of your inner universe. It provides a non-denominational framework for personal spiritual exploration. Read more at pathwork.org.

About Pathwork Ottawa

Pathwork Ottawa is our local community of Pathwork practice.  The community includes some 80-100 people of various levels of interest, practice and commitment. Members range from curious guests who drop in to the odd event, to people who attend regular events, people who study individually or studied previously and remain connected to the community, to people who participate in intensive group retreats each year and have committed to being active and engaged in the community.  Pathwork Ottawa has 3 local ‘Pathwork Helpers’ – individuals who have completed Helpership training and are available to help others on their path. We have several community Elders, a SpiritKeeper for the community, and a Visioning and Planning Committee who hold the responsibility for actioning the main community activities and administration.  Sanctuary Services are held monthly and generally followed by a potluck community dinner.  Other events include the monthly Open Lecture series, ad hoc workshops and Lecture Study Groups, and the Community Retreat (Pathwork experience required). 

2 weeks ago

Pathwork Ottawa
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3 weeks ago

Pathwork Ottawa
Dear Pathwork Worldwide Community,We invite you all to our monthly Prayer and Meditation meeting, which will take place next Saturday, 9/28.This month’s theme is: “Praying for the Animal Kingdom, our Earthly Family.”We ask each of you to bring an image of your favorite animal, whether it’s a photo, drawing, or in any form possible for you.Together, we will create a field of love and healing for our companions in the Animal Kingdom.Please remember to arrive in the room 20 minutes early, say your name, and where you are in the world.We will start promptly 10 AM ET.We look forward to seeing you!With love,Judith Garten & Letizzia Bafile Support International Pathwork Foundation ... See MoreSee Less
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Pathwork is based on 4 pillars:

Community Engagement
one-on-ONe Helper sessions
Committed group work

Pathwork Impact Experiences

Pathwork has been my spiritual home for many years.  Although I enjoy  exploring a wide variety of spiritual traditions I’m always drawn back to the Pathwork lectures, retreats, and community. Somewhat jokingly I tell friends that Pathwork has been my saving grace.  Without it, I’d be in deep trouble in all aspects of life; marriage,  relationships, and work  Yet, the truth is….  Pathwork  simply teaches me about the blockages to my own true nature where guidance, wisdom, and fulfillment reside.  For anyone interested in gradually developing emotional and spiritual maturity I’d say, give Pathwork a try. It’s a great catalyst and support system. In the words of the Guide: “You have to do a lot of the work yourself but you can’t do it alone.”

Judy SC

Executive Coach

The Pathwork is a journey you can begin at any point in your life. I started this journey with Pathwork later in my life but that hasn’t mattered.  The timing and the deep learning and leaps of faith have been meaningful, just right for me. I have become more real and whole, in my truth, connected with my soul and my soul purpose. Such a rich journey, not always easy but worth all the diving, digging up, exploring, accepting, evolving and transforming, becoming all I can be. It doesn’t matter how the Lectures arrived but that they are full of wisdom and love to help us on our journeys to wholeness and unity within ourselves and with others. The Pathwork has become a life-giving part of my spiritual life and led me to a community of seekers, a safe and caring group, that are my companions on the Path.

Bev C

Social Worker

Since joining the Ottawa Pathwork Community in 2010, I have become increasingly able to drop my defenses and speak from my authentic self.  It feels as though my soul has been gently coaxed out of hiding and encouraged to express it’s truth despite my petty fears and misgivings.  This is my spiritual family.

Janet M

Veterinary Office Manager

“Pathwork has given me a spiritual framework to grow into and understand my life experience without ascribing to a religion. I wouldn’t be where I am today in my personal life, my work, and my relationships without all the growing and healing I’ve done through Pathwork.”

Fiona W

Business Consultant

I’ve been working with Pathwork Helpers for over 20 years now, in individual session and in retreat.  While I find the Pathwork Lectures rather like the brambles Prince Charming had to fight through to get to Sleeping Beauty, they are full and rich, and well worth wrestling with.  The Pathwork has fed my creativity, unfisted my heart, and led me into an experience of living that is textured and full. The members of the Ottawa Pathwork Group who I’ve partnered with on creative events, and sat alongside on retreat, are radiant-hearted, and deeply courageous and trustworthy.  The Pathwork is not an easy path;  it is a potent one.  And you don’t need to “drink the koolaid” to benefit… you can shape the way of engaging that works for you and your nature.  

Anne W

Executive Coach & Artist