The Two Rooms Exercise – Working with Images
Note: Images are firmly-held wrong conclusions about the nature of reality. They are made up of misconceptions, distorted feelings and physical blocks and they become behavior-controlling signals in life situations. They are not subject to rational examination and are often defended by elaborate rationalizations. The effect on the individual is the creating of negative patterns and reactions that restrict the unfolding of one’s potential.
To make changes in our feelings about things, we need to start with what is accessible, i.e. the conscious thoughts. We cannot force ourselves to feel a certain way but we can cultivate thoughts which in turn lead to new ways of feeling.
Begin the exercise by having in mind a situation in which an image you have is causing you difficulty and in which you sincerely wish to make a change.
- Sit in silence, relax the body, breathe; come to inner stillness.
- Picture two rooms with a connecting door between them.
- Enter the room of images. Take time to thoroughly explore all the image beliefs about the issue at hand.
- As you flesh out the image, take some time to walk around the room. Notice the colours, the feeling in the room, what kind of room the beliefs create. Notice how this feels in your body and the effect it has on you. Notice how enticing the words are, whether you’re really buying them, being drawn in by them.
- Be aware that there is another room – a room of new beliefs. Feel what it is like to even consider opening the door to this room.
- When ready, open the door and move into the other room of new thoughts and allow to arise a new way of thinking about the issue at hand.
- As you tap into this room and your new thought process, notice how it feels in your body. What is it like to feel these new thought processes? Allow the words to impress your soul substance. Feel the “I want . . It’s possible”.
- If it feels right, spend some time going back and forth between the rooms – knowing that, in reality, this is what we do. Notice where and to what degree your energy is invested. Know that we can’t make ourselves be where we are not – but we can want it.
- When you feel complete, sit in silence, repeating again and again the new thought about this, knowing you have the power to live your life according to this new thought about this aspect of your life.