*Intermediate to Advanced Pathwork*
Think of a desirable life situation that you have been unable to bring about despite lots of effort. Then use the outline below to guide your inward search for a possible unconscious wrong conclusion (an image) that might be blocking your conscious desire.
- Start with the Conscious Desire – clarify it as precisely as possible.
- Then think of precisely what you would most want to avoid in this area of life and place it under Consciously Undesired. It could be the opposite of the desired situation.
- Turn your awareness inward and expand your perspective to come to a word or phrase that resonates for you about what it would mean in your life to have each of these situations come about. Write this next to ‘Means That:’ for Desire and for Undesired.
- In the area below the solid line, denoting the unconscious, cross over the words or phrases so that the Consciously Desired becomes the Unconsciously Undesired; as well, the Consciously Undesired becomes the Unconsciously Desired.
- Now ask yourself: What overall, generalized belief must exist in me (in the immature inner child part) that would explain this unconsciously held want and aversion?
Unconsciously desired:
Possible misconception or image:
Unconsciously undesired: